TITLE: Gone ITEM #: 011 MEDIUM: Sculpture SIZE: 200 x 110 x 90 mm MATERIALS USED: Recycled wood sample, Recycled Kodak portadiapositivas, Grocery plastic net, Recycled plastic poster, Recycled milk-box lid

CONCEPT: The humanity has a powerful ally and this art object is dedicated to it: Bees as our pollinators. Being an active part of the ecosystem, bees provide support for growth for trees, flowers, crops and other plants which serve not as food resource, but shelters for smaller creatures and species. Without bees, to keep our ecosystems balanced, our world as we know it would be gone.

NOTE: Unique

ITEM #: 012 MEDIUM: Sculpture SIZE: 200 x 110 x 90 mm MATERIALS USED: Recycled wood sample, Recycled Kodak portadiapositivas, Grocery plastic net, Recycled plastic poster, Recycled milk-box lid NOTE: Unique

TITLE: Gone ITEM #: 013 MEDIUM: Sculpture SIZE: 200 x 110 x 90 mm MATERIALS USED: Recycled wood sample, Recycled Kodak portadiapositivas, Grocery plastic net, Recycled plastic poster, Recycled milk-box lid NOTE: Unique